Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Freedom Writer: Can we do it?

I watched the movie last week. It is one of those 'teacher' movies that you have to watch as it inspires you to make a difference.

And I think it definitely does.

If only we could do the same thing for our students. Our students aren't very different from the students portrayed in the movie. Our students are racists themselves, whether we want to accept it or not. If only we have a resource center like that center built in memory of the Holocaust victims and survivors in the movie. Maybe some place where students can see the horror of the May 13th incident?

Giving students journals to write on it is a terrific idea too. In fact, I already had mind to that for my students when I go out teaching. I think it is a great way to encourage students to write, as they do not have the fear of being evaluated; plus, it is a good way for students to express themselves.

I hope I can be like Erin Gruwell, inspiring students to be whatever they want to be (minus the divorce part though).

She is what teachers are suppose to be.

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